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Listen to the top brass

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

The Prime Minister must accept that something is awry when senior officers vent their frustrations over the Libyan and Afghan operations.
David Cameron made no attempt to conceal his frustration yesterday over reports of deepening concerns among senior military figures about the impact of the Libyan and Afghan operations. Last week, we reported a warning from Admiral Sir Mark Stanhope, the First Sea Lord, that if the Libyan operation continued into the autumn, ships would have to be taken away from other tasks. This week, we revealed that in a briefing paper for MPs, Air Chief Marshal Sir Simon Bryant said that "huge" demands were being placed on the RAF and morale among airmen was, as a result, "fragile". He said the RAF's ability to conduct future operations would be compromised if the Libyan conflict lasted beyond September. Now we have General Sir Peter Wall, the Chief of the General Staff, questioning the 2015 deadline for withdrawing from Afghanistan. It's little wonder that an exasperated Prime Minister said that he sometimes felt like saying to them: "I tell you what – you do the fighting and I'll do the talking."
But he, in turn, must accept that something is going badly awry when such senior officers feel obliged to vent their own frustrations in this way. The demands placed on our Armed Forces in recent years – in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya – have been immense. They have responded with the skill and professionalism we have come to expect. Yet they are now also having to grapple with the consequences of a wholly unsatisfactory strategic defence and security review (SDSR). We have made the case repeatedly that the review was driven not by strategic considerations but by the need to cut costs. Its lack of balance and coherence has been cruelly exposed during the Libyan conflict. Mr Cameron should swallow his irritation with his top brass and concede that the most egregious decisions made in the SDSR should be revisited.


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