Although the LG Optimus 3D handset also offers 3D viewing, HTC claims that Evo offers “the ultimate glasses-free 3D experience”. It also says the phone is “stylishly rugged”.
The Evo features a 4.3 inch qHD screen and stereo sound, powered by a 1.2-ghz dual-core Qualcomm Snapdragon processor and 720p video. HTC has also updated its Sense interface to use 3D, even changing its weather app to include 3D animations.
An ioncreasing number of new, handheld devices feature new glasses-free technology to provide a 3D image. Although such methods do not provide the full 3D clarity associated with 3D televisions, on smaller screens the effect can still be achieved adequately.
The inclusion of 3D technology on mobile phones could allow manufacturers to capitalise on the growth of premium 3D content such as movies and television shows, and HTC already offers a Movies service.At the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, manufacturers including Sony demonstrated glasses-free televisions, including in-car DVD players and a “virtual-reality” style headset that could be targeted at gamers.
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